Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to plan and bring an event like Illuminate to life? From mapping out the perfect route to battling the elements, we caught up with our Estates Team and OT Event Technicians to hear about the creativity and problem-solving that make it all happen!
How do you prepare the venue for Illuminate? – Estates Team
The first step is deciding the route in collaboration with OT Event Technicians – a highly experienced team of electrical engineers. This year, we chose to alter the route to incorporate new features and allow visitors to explore new, exciting areas. When planning the route, we need to consider ground conditions – especially during the winter months – and what natural features can be highlighted with the lights.
As a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSI), we’ve sought guidance from Natural England to ensure we meet our duty of care to the nature reserve. Intentionally the illuminations are held – out of bird nesting season but during bat roosting season so as to ensure that disturbance is deemed non-significant.

How do you ensure the event maintains a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for visitors? – Estates Team
We constantly monitor site conditions and forecast weather. The biggest challenge this time of year is wind and rain, so the estates team reacts quickly to ensure ground conditions remain safe for visitors. So far this year, we’ve re-laid approximately 10 tonnes of stone on existing paths. We’ve also swept away an astonishing amount of rainwater—a relentless task and what seems like the equivalent of many Olympic swimming pools!
What inspired the design of the lighting for this year’s event? – OT Event Technicians
This year marks our fourth year bringing Illuminate to The Blue Pool, and with a new route, we always aim to introduce fresh aspects that haven’t been seen in previous years. Our big focus this year was incorporating audio at specific points along the trail, that would complement the setting, providing separate shows at areas of the route which Illuminate has not ventured to before.
The big talking point during our planning meetings in the pre-vis stage was the rope bridge. We wanted to take visitors on a thrilling journey of crossing the bridge, balancing safety with a sense of adventure. This was achieved through a captivating soundtrack, dramatic lighting, and—for the first time—special effects.

What’s the most challenging aspect of installing lighting for an event like Illuminate, and how do you make sure it all goes off without a hitch? – OT Event Technicians
The British weather! When designing a trail, it’s key to keep in mind that it will be in place for nearly eight weeks, and whilst water and electrics don’t mix, it’s inevitable that it’ll find its way in somewhere!
This year has been particularly challenging as we’ve produced six intelligent light shows, controlled from up to 750 metres away. We have to be conscious that whilst staying at the top of our game and pushing the boundaries for Illuminate, it also needs to stand up to the test of the weather. Utilising IP65 connections wherever possible gives us peace of mind that, nine times out of ten, everything will switch on night after night.